Diagnostic Imaging

At Timberland Medical Centre’s Diagnostic Imaging Department we provide the modern diagnostic and interventional radiology services in a timely and cost effective manner for the benefit of all patients.
This department is well supported by a team of friendly staff comprising of experienced Consultant Radiologists, Radiographers, Registered Nurses and others supporting staff.
General Radiography
X –Ray is the oldest and most frequent used form of medical imaging and can produce diagnostic images of the human body on film or digitally on a computer screen. X –Ray imaging is the fastest and easiest way for a physician to view and access the lungs, broken bones, joints or spinal injuries. We also call it a Plain X-Ray Examination.
Ultrasound is a procedure that uses sound waves to create images of internal organs.
The reflecting sound waves (echoes) are recorded and displayed as visual images. Because ultrasound images are captured in real time, they can show movement, like blood flow, heart beat and a baby’s movement. It is effective for non-invasive imaging of soft tissue organ. It can also be used to guide fine needle(tissue biopsy) to facilitate sampling cells from an organ for cancer test (which is an invasive procedure).
Interventional Radiology
Interventional Radiology is a new and rapid growing branch of medicine in which the procedures are performed under imaging guidance and it is sometimes called the “21st century” surgery.
Digital Fluoroscopy
It is a technique used to obtain “LIVE” X-ray images of a living patient and used to examine / observe the alimentary tract, etc. It is an examination to patient’s condition in “real time”
Mammography is an X-Ray examination of the breast. It has been established as one of the primary means of diagnosing early breast cancer because it can show changes in the breast up to two years before a patient or physician can feel them. The X-Ray images are viewed by Radiologist who then reports the results to your doctor.
Bone Densitometry (Bone Dexa)
Bone Dexa is highly sensitive, using low dose X-ray. Bone densitometry helps to identify risk at a much earlier stage. It is used to measure bone mineral, estimated risk or actual presence of osteoporosis. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, is painless and safe.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
TMC Diagnostic Imaging Department is equipped with 1.5Teslar MRI Scanner
An MRI is an advanced medically established diagnostic study that utilizes a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce very sharp images of your body with no radiation involve.
An MRI scans typically take 15 – 45 minutes. Detailed studies may take longer.
An MRI shows best quality images for soft tissue of the human body (muscles, nerves, brain, ligaments and etc.) and can also perform an angiography in a non – invasive method to detect disease and abnormality. It is an non-invasive procedure and painless.
CT Scan
The department is equipped with a MSCT 160 which is capable of giving high-resolution scans at a very short scanning time that was acquired in 2017.
A CT Scan is a rapid, painless diagnostic examination that combines X-rays and computers.
With advancement in technology, the data can be reconstructed in various planes to produce 3D images with surface rendering, virtual colonoscopy, angiography and cardiac coronary vessels. A CT Scan allows the radiologist to see the location, nature and extent of many different diseases or abnormalities inside your body.
Our Centre is equipped with a digital subtraction angiography suite with rotational and stepping digital subtraction option.
Stepping digital subtraction allows for multiple acquisitions with automated table movement (up to 6 stations) and this allows sufficient coverage of a single lower limb with single contrast injection.
Cardiologist still use catheter angiography for patients who may undergo surgery, angioplasty or stent placement.
To call the Diagnostic Imaging Department : 082-234 466 (ext. 6100)