Dr. Alison Ting Yih Hua
Resident Consultant
Telephone: 082 234 466 Ext : 1017
Email: alisonting.kinder@gmail.com
Suite 31, 1st Floor, Block B, Timberland Medical Centre
Clinic Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 7.30am - 11.30am & 1.30pm - 3.30pm<br /> Saturday: 8.30am - 12.30pm
Profile of Dr. Alison Ting Yih Hua:
MBChB (Edinburgh)
FRCP Edinburgh (UK)
National Specialist Register No. 130599
Qualifications :
MBChB (Univerity of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) 1997
MRCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, United Kingdom) 2001
FRCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) 2012
FRCP (College of Edinburgh) 2013
Dr. Alison Ting Yih Hua is related to the following departments:
Paediatrics (Children)After more than 23 years in service, Timberland Medical Centre is among the leading private hospitals and medical centres in…